Articles scientifiques

Manuscrits soumis :

Danneyrolles V. Bergeron Y, Arseneault D. 2017. Anthropogenic disturbances strengthened tree community-environment relationships at the temperate-boreal interface of eastern Canada.

Danneyrolles V, Dupuis S, Arseneault D, Terrail R, Leroyer M, de Römer A, Fortin G, Boucher Y. Ruel J-C. 2017. Eastern white cedar long-term dynamics in eastern Canada: Implications for restoration in the context of ecosystem-based management. Forest Ecology and Management

Gennaretti, F, Gea-Izquierdo G, Boucher E, Berninger F, Arseneault D, Guiot J. 2017. Ecophysiological modeling of the climate imprint on photosynthesis and carbon allocation to the tree stem in the North American boreal forest Biogeosciences Discussion, doi:10.5194/bg-2017-51

Articles acceptés ou publiés:

Boucher É, Nicault A, Arseneault D, Bégin Y, Karami M.  2017. Decadal Variations in Forest Taiga Productivity Forced by North-Atlantic Circulation. Scientific Report

Whitman E, Parisien M-A, Price DT, St-Laurent M-H, Johnson CJ, DeLancey ER, Arseneault D, Flannigan MD. 2017. A framework for modeling habitat quality in disturbance-prone areas: an example using woodland caribou and wildfire. Ecosphere DOI: 10.1002/ecs2.1787

Gennaretti, F. Huard D, Naulier M, Savard M, Bégin C, Arseneault D, Guiot J. 2017. Bayesian multiproxy temperature reconstruction with tree-ring data from the northern Quebec taiga. Climate Dynamics, doi: 10.1007/s00382-017-3565-5

Erni S, Arseneault D, Parisien M-A, Bégin Y. 2017. Spatial and temporal dimensions of fire activity in the fire-prone eastern Canadian taiga. Global Change Biology, 23: 1152-1166

Laflamme, J. Munson, A. D., Grondin, P. et Arseneault, D. 2016. Anthropogenic Disturbances Create a New Vegetation Toposequence in the Gatineau River Valley, Quebec. Forests 7: 254.

Portier J, Gauthier S, Leduc A,  Arseneault D, Bergeron Y. 2016. Fire regime variability along a latitudinal gradient of continuous to discontinuous coniferous boreal forests in eastern Canada. Forests 7: 211.

Boucher, Y., I. Auger, J. Noel, P. Grondin, & D. Arseneault. 2016. Fire is a stronger driver of forest composition than logging in the boreal forest of eastern Canada. Journal of Vegetation Science, DOI: 10.1111/jvs.12466

Danneyrolles, V., D. Arseneault, Y. Bergeron. 2016. Long term compositional changes following partial disturbance revealed by the re-survey of logging concession limits in the northern temperate forest of eastern Canada. Canadian Journal of Forest Research.

Danneyrolles, V., D. Arseneault, Y. Bergeron. 2016. Pre-industrial landscape composition patterns and post-industrial changes at the temperate-boreal forest interface in Western Quebec, Canada. Journal of Vegetation Science, 27: 470-481. Danneyrolles_etal_2016_JVS

Autin J., F. Gennaretti, D. Arseneault & Y. Bégin. 2015. Biases in RCS tree ring chronologies due to sampling heights of trees. Dendrochronologia, 36: 13-22. Autin_etal_2015

Naulier M., M.M. Savard, C. Bégin, D. Arseneault, J. Marion, Gennaretti, F., A. Nicault , Y. Bégin. 2015. A millennial summer temperature reconstruction for Northeastern Canada using isotopes in subfossil trees. Climate of the Past, 11: 1153–1164. Naulier_etal_2015

Nicault, A., E. Boucher, D. Tapsoba, D. Arseneault, C. Begin, F. Berninger, J.-L. DesGranges, J. Guiot, J. Marion, S. Wicha & Y. Bégin. 2015. Spatial analysis of the black spruce (Picea mariana [MILL] B.S.P.) radial growth response to climate in northern Québec, Canada. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 45: 343-352. Nicault_CJFR15

Gennaretti, F., D. Arseneault et Y. Bégin. 2014. Millennial disturbance-driven forest stand dynamics in the Eastern Canadian taiga reconstructed from subfossil logs. Journal of Ecology, 102: 1612-1622. Gennaretti_JE14b

Héon, J., D. Arseneault et M.-A. Parisien. 2014. Resistance of the boreal forest to high burn rates. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 111: 13888-13893. Heon_PNAS14

Gennaretti, F., D. Arseneault, A. Nicault, L. Perreault et Y. Bégin. 2014 Volcano-induced regime shifts in millennial tree ring chronologies from Northeastern North America. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA,111: 10077-10082. Gennaretti_PNAS14.

Naulier, M., M. M. Savard, C. Bégin, J. Marion, D. Arseneault et Y. Bégin. 2014 Carbon and oxygen isotopes of lakeshore black spruce trees in northeastern Canada as proxies for climatic reconstruction. Chemical Geology, 374–375:  37-43. Naulier_CG14

Terrail, R., D. Arseneault, M.-J. Fortin, S. Dupuis et Y. Boucher 2014. An early forest inventory indicates a high accuracy of forest composition data in early land survey records. Journal of Vegetation Science, 25: 691-702. Terrail_JVS14

Gennaretti, F., D. Arseneault et Y. Bégin. 2014. Millennial stocks and fluxes of large woody debris in lakes of the North American taiga. Journal of Ecology, 102: 367-380. Gennaretti_JE14a

Arseneault, D., B. Dy, F. Gennaretti, J. Autin et Y. Begin. 2013. Developing millennial tree ring chronologies in the fire-prone North American boreal forest. Journal of Quaternary Science, 28: 283-292.

Y. Boulanger, D. Arseneault, H. Morin, Y. Jardon, P. Bertrand, et C. Dagneault. 2012. Dendrochronological reconstruction of spruce budworm (Choristoneura fumiferana Clemens) outbreaks in southern Québec for the last 400 years. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 42: 1264-1276.

Savard, M. M., C. Bégin, J. Marion, D. Arseneault, et Y. Bégin. 2012. Evaluating the integrity of C and O isotopic series in sub-fossil wood deposited in boreal lakes – Required work for reconstructing long climatic series. Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 348-349: 21-31.

Boucher, E., Y. Bégin, D. Arseneault, et T. B. M. J. Ouarda. 2012. Long-Term and Large-Scale River-Ice Processes. Pages 546–554 in M. Church, P. M. Biron et André G. Roy. Gravel-bed Rivers: Processes, Tools, Environments. Wiley.

Dupuis, S. D. Arseneault et L. Sirois. 2011. Change from presettlement to present-day forest composition reconstructed from early land survey records in eastern Québec, Canada. Journal of Vegetation Science, 22: 564-575.

Arseneault, D. 2010. Les longues séries dendrochronologiques dans le Nord-est de l’Amérique du Nord. In Payette, S. & Filion, L. (eds) Dendroécologie : concepts, méthodes et applications. Presses de l’Université Laval, Québec.

Boucher, É., Bégin, Y., et Arseneault, D., 2010. Dendrohydrologie : utilisation des cernes de croissance en hydrologie historique. In Payette, S. & Filion, L. (eds) Dendroécologie : concepts, méthodes et applications. Presses de l’Université Laval, Québec.

Boucher, É., Bégin, Y. & Arseneault, D. 2009. Impacts of recurring ice jams on channel geometry and geomorphology in a small high-boreal watershed. Geomorphology, 108: 273-281.

Boucher, É., Bégin, Y. & Arseneault, D. 2009. Hydro-climatic analysis of mechanical breakups reconstructed from tree-rings, Necopastic watershed, northern Québec, Canada. Journal of Hydrology. 375: 373-382.

Boucher, Y., D. Arseneault et L. Sirois. 2009. Logging history and landscape dynamics (1820-2000) of an heavily exploited southern boreal forest landscape: insights from sunken logs and forestry maps. Forest Ecology and Management. 258: 1359-1368.

Glaz, P., C. Nozais, et D. Arseneault. 2009 Coarse woody debris in the littoral zone of boreal lakes: Life-support structures for macroinvertebrates. Marine and Freshwater Research: 60: 960-970.

Querrec, L., L. Filion, R. Auger et D. Arseneault. 2009. Tree-ring analysis of white cedar ({Thuja occidentalis} L.) archaeological and historical woods in Québec City (Québec, Canada). Dendrochronologia: 27: 199-212.

Boucher, Y., D. Arseneault et L. Sirois. 2009. La forêt préindustrielle du Bas-Saint-Laurent et sa transformation (1820-2000) : implications pour l’aménagement écosystémique. Naturaliste canadien 133: 60-69

Boucher, Y., D. Arseneault, L. Sirois et L. Blais. 2009. Logging patterns and landscape changes over the last century at the transition between boreal and deciduous forest zones in eastern Canada. Landscape Ecology, 24 : 171-184.

Arseneault, D., Boucher, É. & Bouchon, É. 2007. Asynchronous forest-stream coupling in a fire-prone boreal landscape. Journal of Ecology, 95:789-801.

Bégin, Y., Nicault, A., Bégin, C., Savard, M., Arseneault, D., Berninger, F., Guiot, J., Boreux, J.-J., Perreault, L., 2007. Analyse dendrochronologique des variations passées du régime hydroclimatique au complexe de La Grande Rivière dans le Nord du Québec. La Houille Blanche, Revue internationale de l’eau, 6: 70-77.

Boucher, É. D. Arseneault et B. Hétu. 2006. Late Holocene development of a floodplain along a small meandering stream, northern Québec, Canada. Geomorphology 80 : 267-281.

Boucher, Y. D. Arseneault et L. Sirois. 2006. Logging-induced change (1930-2002) of a pre-industrial landscape at the northern range limit of northern hardwoods, eastern Canada. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 36: 505-517.

Busque, D. et D. Arseneault. 2005. Fire disturbance of larch woodlands in string fens in northern Québec. Canadian Journal of Botany 83: 599-609.

Arseneault, D. et Sirois, L. 2004. The millennial dynamics of a boreal forest stand form buried trees. Journal of Ecology, 92: 490-504.

Boulanger, Y. et Arseneault, D. 2004. Spruce budworm outbreaks in eastern Québec over the last 450 years. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 34: 1035-1043.

Bouchon , É. & Arseneault, D. 2004. Fire disturbance during climate change: failure of postfire forest recovery on a boreal floodplain. Canadian Journal of Forest Research. 34: 2294-2305.

Arseneault, D. 2001. Impact of fire behavior on postfire forest development in a homogenous boreal landscape. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 31: 1367-1374.

Arseneault, D. et L. Filion. 2001. Les mégafossiles ligneux. {In} Écologie des tourbières du Québec-Labrador. Éditeurs: S. Payettes et L. Rochefort. Les Presses de l’Université Laval.

Lavoie, C. et Arseneault, D. 2001. Late Holocene climate of the James Bay area, Quebec, Canada, reconstructed using fossil beetles. Arctic, Antarctic and Alpine Research 33: 13-18.

Arseneault, D. & S. Payette. 1998. Chronologie des cernes pâles de l’épinette noire (Picea mariana [Mill.] BSP.) au Québec subarctique: 706 ap. J.-C. à 1675 ap. J.-C. Géographie physique et Quaternaire, 52: 219-226.

Arseneault, D. & S. Payette. 1997. Landscape change following deforestation at the arctic tree line in Québec, Canada. Ecology, 78: 693-706.

Arseneault, D. & S. Payette. 1997. Reconstruction of millennial forest dynamics from tree remains in a subarctic tree line peatland. Ecology, 78 : 1873-1883.

Arseneault, D., N. Villeneuve, C. Boismenu, Y. Leblanc & J. Deshaye. 1997. Biomass and caribou grazing on the wintering grounds of northern Québec: an application of Landsat and fire history data. Journal of Applied Ecology, 34 : 65-78.

Arseneault, D. & S. Payette. 1992. A postfire shift from lichen-spruce to lichen-tundra vegetation at tree line. Ecology 73: 1067-1081

Arseneault, D. & L. Sirois. 1990. Forme et croissance de l’épinette noire (Picea mariana (Mill.) BSP.) avant-feu et après-feu en toundra-forestière (Québec subarctique). Naturaliste canadien:117: 1-7.